Edward R. Murrow’s television program Small World aired in 1958 and 1959. The show operated as a forum in which a handful of famous people talked about certain topics. This episode, featuring Vivien Leigh, Sam Goldwyn, and Kenneth Tynan, aired on December 28, 1958. I find this amazing bit of TV history to be very interesting considering how hard Tynan was on Vivien in his reviews in the Observer. In this episode, she fires right back at him. You stay classy, Vivien Leigh!
Sent to vivandlarry.com by Mark
This is without question one of the most interesting pieces of footage in existence of Vivien Leigh–and the debate is spirited besides.
I can’t get these to play.. .not sure what I am missing.. (I have a MacBookPro but it is a few years old.) Any ideas on what I need to download, Kendra? anyone? I am so not tech savvy!
Anyway, I have seen this on youtube and found it equally fascinating. Can you imagine a debate like this going on in today’s world? Vivien was brilliant. Tynan was still rather negative but she held her own and more with him! Critics! I’d love to see them get up and perform! LMBO.
you probably have to download the latest version of flash player: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
Let me know if this helps!
Oh, but also, I just haven’t changed the code on this particular post. It should work now