The awesome people over at Only Good Movies apparently found this blog/website interesting, so I was asked to do a little interview for a series they do called “Critical Mass,” in which they interview film critics and bloggers about, well, film. I thought it was fun. Here’s what I had to say:

Only Good Movies: What’s the first movie that you remember seeing?
Kendra Bean: Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. This was my favorite movie until I was about 6 years old. I would make my mom rent it from the video store (along with a VCR) every weekend.
OGM: What’s the most recent movie you’ve seen?
KB: Shutter Island in the theatre–I liked it, but probably not as much as many other people did. The ending reminded me a lot of Identity with John Cusack, and that was disappointing. The last movie I watched on DVD was Bright Star, a beautiful film.
OGM: Is there a particular film that you feel is criminally underrated?
KB: Wuthering Heights (1939). It was one of the most acclaimed films of cinema’s greatest year, 1939, and now it’s not even on DVD here in the US. It’s a lovely film, and it seems like the only people who really show any occasional love for it are the good people at TCM.
OGM: Which director do you feel has turned out the best overall body of work?
KB: Federico Fellini, and the Coen Brothers.
OGM: From an artistic standpoint, which film do you think is most important?
KB: I think there are a lot of films that are important from an artistic standpoint. As I’m currently very much interested in classic British cinema, I’ll say Laurence Olivier’s Henry V (1945). This was his first venture as actor/director, and it was an entirely new way of presenting Shakespeare on screen. It also established Olivier as a strong representative voice for wartime Britain.
OGM: All artsy considerations aside, which movie is your personal favorite?
KB: My personal favorite is Gone with the Wind. I will always credit it for helping me discover the world of classic films, and for making me want to pursue film in college and beyond.
OGM: In your opinion, which film is entirely overrated?
KB: Citizen Kane. It’s not that I don’t respect it, and I love Gregg Toland, the cinematographer, but I suppose any film that’s hailed as “the greatest American film of all time” is bound to annoy someone. It’s a good film (especially technically), but I don’t think it’s the “best” film, and it’s certainly not my favorite film.
OGM: Have you ever walked out of the theatre during a film? If so, what movie was playing?
KB: I don’t think I have, although I’m sure I’ve wanted to on occasion.
OGM: In your mind, what’s the ultimate goal of a movie critic?
KB: Aside from feeding their personal opinions to the masses, I think it’s to educate viewers on how to watch films; how to take notice of certain things that may make a film better or worse, how to see things with a critical eye.
OGM: Time to look into the future. Do you predict any major changes for the movie industry over the next 25 years?
KB: If things continue as they are now, I predict the death of cinema. Just kidding, but I do hope we can somehow go back to writing quality screenplays instead of always trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes with an overabundance of CGI. CGI and new technology are great, but I like to be engaged in the actual story. I like good dialog, good acting, and movies that actually have plots. Every time I run across an aspiring screenwriter, I always tell them to write good scripts. Right now, it really seems like mainstream Hollywood is scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to interesting material.
OGM: Here’s another chance to predict the future. Name a relatively unknown actor or actress who’ll be a huge star within five years.
KB: I’m a fan of Ben Whishaw. He was lovely as Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited and brilliant as John Keats in Jane Campion’s Bright Star. I think he’s really talented, and I hope he continues to get quality roles.
OGM: Who’s your favorite movie critic to read?
KB: Roger Ebert. I think he’s a great critic and a courageous person, as well. It’s obvious he loves cinema and I find him very inspiring. My other favorite is Peter Travers from Rolling Stone.
This was very cool. Thanks for sharing with us:)
Cool interviews! Thanks for posting.
Awesome! I liked your answer about what’s the ultimate goal of the movie critic. Totally agree!
Wonderful! I definitely agree that more attention should be given to scripts and the overall movie rather than technology that can be used. People are just trying to top each other in CGI and it’s annoying. I’ll take a good story over that any day.
That’s so incredible!! Great interview. Thanks for sharing!
(P.S. You look lovely in that photo!)
are you selling that photo above? if so, i might consider buying it 🙂
i want it to come in a photo frame with bedazzled designs.
‘Bright Star’ excellent choice!
thanks, everyone!!
cathy–you’ll have to decopage it yourself. happy birthday! lol
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Great post as always, thank you for writing so much informative content on a regular basis.
This blog (particularly, this article) is really just one of the many reasons I really love the internet. Sometimes it is just such a waste of time on the web, but when you come across something like this, it really makes you feel like you didn’t waste ALL of your time.