2010 was a pretty wild year with lots of life changes. I spent the first half in southern California and the second half up north and then in London! It was last January that I found out it’d been accepted to grad school, and now here I am about to start my second semester. It’s crazy. I miss California, especially the warm weather, my friends, and the beach, my cat and my family, but I’m loving being in England so much. I really feel like this was meant to be, like some strange force is pushing me toward my goals. I have a lot I want to accomplish in 2011, a good deal of which has to do with the subjects of this website.
One of the cool things about pond hopping (and continuing with the location scouting theme from previous posts) is that I saw a lot of places where Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier lived, worked, played, etc, as well as exhibits and other things. So, to wrap things up for 2010, here are some photos I took this past year.
I hope you all have a bright, joyful, and prosperous new year! Thanks for all of your amazing support in 2010!


Have you thought about visiting St.James’ Church Spanish Place? (It’s just off Baker Street.) It’s where VL and Leigh Holman were married.Apparently it’s very beautiful.