I promise to have some actual Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier-related goodies on the site in the next few days (I’ve got a book review, author Q&A, and a video to put up) but as yesterday was the last sunny day before a week of forecasted rain and gloom, I grabbed my camera and headed back to Regent’s Park to take some portraits. My subject? Mother Nature. Always beautiful and always fascinating.
More photos from my walk in Regents Park can be found on flickr. I am steadily building a photography portfolio of sorts in hoping of landing a position as a photography assistant. This hobby brings me so much joy and I am eager to learn the ins and outs of the business and to get some hands-on experience working with professionals. If there are any professional London-based photographers who read this site and are looking for any help, or would just be willing to let me tag along on a shoot, I’d love to be your right hand (wo)man!
An aside: This Saturday, in honor of Vivien Leigh’s birthday, I’ve scheduled a little meet up for fans in London. It’s just a casual thing. We’re planning to meet at 54 Eaton Square at noon to lay some flowers, and then go for tea or a drink in Chelsea. If you will be in town on the day and would like to join, please let me know!
All of these pictures look absolutely brilliant! <3
Thanks, Kailey!
Hello Kendra! I like your blog and I would like to traslate your blog to spanish ( I am argentinian).
I love read you and one day i will visit London!.
As always, lovely! Viewing these photos is such a great stress reliever! Kudos, Kendra!