Category: general discussion

general discussion the oliviers Celebrates 4 Years Online!

Today marks 4 years since was officially launched online! I say this every year, but it’s true, I’m pleasantly surprised that it’s lasted this long. What’s more, I can’t believe how much this little site has grown since 2007. has had many faces over the years, and what started from humble beginnings (self-taught web design, yikes!) has grown into a large online network.

I never thought it would get this big or that it would touch so many. Maintaining a website that is always growing is genuinely hard work and time consuming, but I am constantly reminded why it’s all worth it. The site has certainly come a long way. I’ve met some amazing people through the site–both casual acquaintances and close personal friends–and nothing warms my heart more than knowing that there is a community of dedicated, passionate, and knowledgeable fans out there  who are as fascinated with the Oliviers, their films, their friends, and their lasting legacy as I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for all of your support of the site over these past 4 years. Whether you have donated money for site upkeep, shared videos and photos, commented on the blog posts, sent encouraging emails, or simply just continued to come back to the site to browse, I can’t thank you enough.

I’m still as fascinated with Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier as I was when I started this site, and even after years of research, I know there is still so much out there that has yet to be compiled. Big things are on the horizon! So, here’s to the next four years. I’ll be here, and I hope you stick around, too.



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classic film general discussion link love lists

Stylish Bloggers and Classic Film Link Love

Carley from The Kitty Packard Pictorial has bestowed a Stylish Blogger Award upon!  This came as a pleasant surprise because I only recently discovered the wonders of the Kitty Packard Pictorial during the fabulous blog-a-thon Carley hosted to honor Jean Harlow’s 100th birthday and the recent publication of  Mark A. Viera’s new book Harlow in Hollywood. Carley is really knowledgeable about classic films and her blog is so fun to read! Definitely recommended.

The rules are that I have to list 7 facts about me and pass the award on to 7 other stylish (i.e. totally fabulous) blogs. So, here are 7 things about me that may or may not be interesting:

1.  I miss California. Don’t get me wrong, I love living in London and plan to stay here for a while after my programme, but the coming of spring makes me nostalgic for balmy weather and the beach (and legit Mexican food!). I also miss my cat Coco, but I know she’s happy living at my parents’ house. No matter where I may roam, I’ll always be a California girl at heart.

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classic film film diary general discussion

Film Diary: Hiroshima Mon Amour

“Listen to me. I know something else. It will begin all over again. Two hundred thousand dead. Eighty thousand wounded. In nine seconds. These figures are official. It will begin all over again. It will be ten thousand degrees on the earth. Ten thousand suns, they will say. The asphalt will burn. Chaos will prevail. A whole city will be raised from the earth and fall back in ashes….”

When I found out Cinema Fanatic and Japan Cinema were collaborating on a blog-a-thon in effort to raise relief money for the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I knew I had to participate.

Admittedly, my expertise in Japanese cinema is lacking, and I can only think of a handful of titles that I’ve seen off the top of my head. You know, the standard Ozu, Kurosawa and Miyazaki films, along with a few other popular imports that could easily be seen in a film class or on the shelf at Blockbuster. So, I decided I would take a different route and re-visit a classic French-Japanese film set in Japan. Hiroshima Mon Amour is French auteur Alain Resnais’ exploration of memory and trauma in the second world war. In a way, it can be seen as a sort of companion piece to his pseudo-art-documentary about the Holocaust, Night and Fog, but more on the artsy side and less focused on documenting one specific event.

The story is told in a non-linear style and revolves around a 36 hour love affair between a French actress (Emmenuelle Riva) making a film in Hiroshima and a Japanese architect (Eiji Okada) whose family was killed when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city in 1945, effectively ending the war. As the lovers (mostly She) discuss where they were (or where they think they were and are in the present) when the bomb fell and the terrible devastation it brought upon the city, the fictional narrative is inter-cut with brief clips of documentary footage showing mutilated bodies, women’s hair falling out due to radiation, and the physical scars (to say nothing of the mental ones) that the citizens of Hiroshima would carry for the rest of their lives. We later learn that She had suffered similar humiliation and degradation back in her hometown of Nevers, France, when she fell in love with a German soldier. As a punishment, her hair was cut off and she was forced to spend months living in the cellar at her parents’ home after her lover is assassinated and she is discovered with his body. Now in the present, She struggles to find meaning and longevity in her relationships with men, and both try to reconcile the anxieties and traumas of the past.

Kent Jones writes in his essay Hiroshima mon amour: Time Indefinite:

Perhaps it’s not so surprising that Hiroshima mon amour began not as a fiction, but as a documentary. [Anatole] Dauman had successfully pitched the idea of a project about the bomb and its impact to Daiei Studios, and it was to be the first Japanese-French co-production. The title would be Picadon, the “flash” of the A-bomb explosion. It was only after months of reflection that Resnais settled on the idea that Picadon should be a fiction, and that the impact of Hiroshima would be refracted through the viewpoint of a foreign woman. It was Resnais who brought Duras to the project, at the end of the decade when she had achieved literary stardom with Un barrage contre le Pacifique and Moderato Cantabile. It took Duras all of two months to turn out a finished script, all the while working closely with her director. Although Resnais’ links to Eisenstein seem obvious, Griffith’s Intolerance was the film he and Duras had in their heads. “Marguerite Duras and I had this idea of working in two tenses,” he told Parisian journalist Joan Dupont in a recent interview. “The present and the past coexist, but the past shouldn’t be in flashback…. You might even imagine that everything the Emmanuelle Riva character narrated was false; there’s no proof that the story she recites really happened. On a formal level, I found that ambiguity interesting.”

The first time I saw Hiroshima Mon Amour was for a film history class I took as an undergrad. It really is a compulsory title for anyone studying film, and at the time I thought it interesting but pretentious and all but dismissed it. Perhaps this was because I had found Night and Fog incredibly well done and effective, but Hiroshima left me cold. It was not until recently that I learned that Night in Fog was made as more than just a documentary, it was also an artistic experiment. Knowing more about Resnais’ style, I was much more appreciative of the poignancy of Hiroshima this time around.

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Please consider helping the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Click here to donate.

general discussion

The Viv and Larry Fan Survey

“Who are you, really? What were you before?” — Rick Blaine in Casablanca

I’ve been doing a lot of reading about blogging lately–both in books and on other people’s blogs–looking for inspiration and ways to enhance This website focuses on a niche subject within an already niche market, and as such, there is a unique and special group of highly knowledgeable and enthusiastic people who visit.

I thought it would be fun to get to know you (yes, YOU) a little better. I’ve written plenty about me, but I’d love to know more about the Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier fanbase! As we know from the Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier facebook page, Viv and Larry fans come from all corners of the globe and represent a variety ages. Here’s your chance to tell others about yourself and get to know your fellow fans! It will also help me with some stats for improving the site.

Simply copy and paste the following questions along with your answers into a comment on this post and roll on my friends 🙂

About You

1. Your name:

2. Where are you from?

3.  Do you have a website or blog (post the link)?

4. How did you become interested in Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier?

5. What is your favorite Vivien Leigh film?

6. What is your favorite Laurence Olivier film?

7. Are there any films of either Vivien or Larry’s that you really want to see but haven’t had the chance?

8. Who are your other favorite actors/actresses?

9. Do you collect any classic film ephemera?

You +

10. How did you hear about (google search, word of mouth, etc)?

11. What is your favorite part of the site?

12. How often do you read the blog posts?

13. Do you read the blog posts even when they don’t focus on Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier (i.e. Cinema Experiences and Film Diary entries, etc)?

14. What else would you like to see on the site that isn’t here already?

15. Are you following on any other social media outlets (twitter or facebook)?

16. How likely are you to point others in the direction of this website?

general discussion

The Oscars (or: I’ll never get those four hours of my life back)

As the temperatures in Los Angeles dropped, the Kodak Theatre rolled out the red carpet for the 83rd annual Academy Awards. I’m sure many of my fellow film enthusiasts stocked up on snack food and parked themselves in front of the TV or computer to see who wore what and how well, how many awards The King’s Speech would get and whether there were any upsets for the winners. I, myself, went out to Harrow to watch the ceremony with my friend Riikka.

expectations for televised oscars are never a reality

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