laurence olivier

Happy Birthday, Laurence Olivier

Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier toast Larry's birthday

“A man whose name has been spoken with undiminished admiration for several decades now, wherever in the world theatre exists. A romantic movie star,a sublime comedian, to many he is the greatest Shakespearian actor of our age. In a time of rockets that light up the theatrical sky and vanish in the night, this is a planet.”– Arthur Miller on Laurence Olivier

104 years ago today, the greatest actor of a generation was born in Dorking, Surrey. There have been so many Olivier birthday tributes on this site over the years that I can hardly think of anything new to write. What to say about an actor you’ve loved for so long? That you still admire him and his films? That you’re glad he once existed? I would hope this website states the obvious. But I am glad Laurence Olivier existed. I have so enjoyed learning about him, collecting photos and watching his films. Now being in London, I can hardly walk down the street without seeing something that reminds me of him and Vivien Leigh; a theatre, a hotel, a statue. He and Vivien were such an intricate part of London’s artistic culture and high society in the 20th Century and although they may be gone, they left footprints everywhere. The average tourist may not be aware of any of these things when visiting the city, but I take a secret, nerdy pleasure in knowing the significance of certain locations in relation to a subject I’m really passionate about.

Its hard not to respect someone who left such a palpable mark on culture. What would film and especially British theatre be without him? Respect.

Happy birthday, Larry, wherever you are!

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classic film laurence olivier

Favorite Films of 1939: Wuthering Heights

Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier in Wuthering Heights

When I originally signed on to participate in the CMBA Films of 1939 Blogathon, I was really hoping I’d get a chance to write about William Wyler’s adaptation of Wuthering Heights. But it turned out someone else had already chosen to write about this film. Therefore, I decided to wait until after the blogathon finished to get my two cents in about what is not only one of my favorite films of 1939, but what might just be my favorite film, period.

Let me give you a little back story. I read Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights for my AP English class during my senior year in high school and admittedly hated it. This was followed by  screening of the 1992 film version starring Juliette Binoche and Ralph Fiennes, and I hated that, too. Then one day a couple of years down the road, I caught the 1939 version on TCM and the rest, as they say, is history.

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classic film

CMBA Movies of 1939 Blogathon: Q Planes

Laurence Olivier and Valerie Hobson in Q Planes

Released just months before England declared war on Germany in 1939, Q Planes (Clouds Over Europe) is a cross between a spy thriller and a comedy, and is a precursor to the strongly nationalistic, anti-German films that would reach their zenith in Britain during the war years. The film was helmed by American director Tim Whelan (Sidewalks of London and co-director of The Thief of Bagdad) who was then in Britain working for Alexander Korda at Denham Studios.

Q Planes was the second film Laurence Olivier did with Whelan. The first was the delightful romantic comedy The Divorce of Lady X co-starring Merle Oberon, which had been filmed in Technicolor. I actually prefer The Divorce of Lady X on the whole, as it gives Olivier more to do with his character. This is not to say that Q Planes was bad, however. It was actually rather funny. Olivier plays Tony McVane, a test pilot who falls for an undercover journalist named Kay (Valerie Hobson) who is investigating a series of plane disappearances off the coast of England. The planes happen to be disappearing from the factory McVane works for. Investigating the mystery is Kay’s older brother Major Hammond, “an easy-going alcoholic” Scotland Yard secret service agent played to perfection by one of Olivier’s real life friends, Ralph Richardson. McVane and Hammond team up to solve the mystery of the missing planes. When McVane decided to go on one last test mission, his plane is shot down by German spies and he and his crew are taken captive. Onboard the enemy ship, McVane discovers that the same fate has befallen all of the other test pilots that have gone missing. They quickly form together to defeat the Germans (complete with really fake fight sequences and McVane firing a machine gun at his enemies) before being rescued by Hammond who commissions the Navy to help.

Ralph Richardson, Valerie Hobson and Laurence Olivier in Q Planes

Richardson gives what is by far the best and most interesting performance in the film. His Major Hammond is the quintessential British detective who has a string of cliche sayings such as “I say, old boy,” and “Good show, good show.” Although the script was penned by famous screenwriter Ian Dalrymple, Whelan apparently encouraged his actors to improvise their lines. What results is some fabulously heated and hilarious exchanges, particularly between Olivier and Hobson, who are paired as the romantic team.

Laurence Olivier in Q Planes

This was the last film Olivier starred in before going to Hollywood to film Wuthering Heights for Samuel Goldwyn and his character and performance are reflective of those he would play in various modern-dress propaganda films upon his return to England in 1940. I think he was quite good in light comedy, and it’s a shame he didn’t appear more often in this genre.

Overall, I think Olivier, Richardson and Hobson all starred in better films, but Q Planes is worth a look if you’d like to get a taste of British cinema in the 1930s. It’s also worth a look if you enjoy Laurence Olivier looking smoking hot. Just saying!

classic film

CMBA Movies of 1939 Blogathon: The Wizard of Oz

wizard of oz ruby slippers

“There’s no place like home.”

The Classic Movie Blog Association is hosting a Films of 1939 Blogathon this weekend. Being the classic film nerd that I am, I couldn’t not participate in this one. Some of my favorite films of all time were released in 1939, and over the next two days I’ll be talking about a few of them right here at So sit back, relax, and enjoy. And definitely head over to the CMBA (linked above) to check out the other entries!

There are certain films that stick with us throughout our lives. Films that we fall in love with as a child and remember just as fondly years down the road. These films are ones we find ourselves reaching for on a rainy day, or when we feel nostalgic about the past and want to recapture something of the lost magic of childhood. These are tried and true classics, no matter how old the film itself is.

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Announcing: The Vivien Leigh & Laurence Olivier Appreciation Blog-a-thon!

The Vivien Leigh & Laurence Olivier Blog-a-thon

One of the things I’ve enjoyed most as a blogger is participating in classic film blog-a-thons. You may remember the Film Preservation blog-a-thon hosted by Ferdy on Films and the Self-Styled Siren, or the Japanese Cinema blog-a-thon to raise money for disaster relief. Tomorrow I’ll be taking part in the 1939 blogathon hosted by the Classic Movie Blog Association and YAM magazine, and in June the Queer Film blog-a-thon hosted by Garbo Laughs. This morning I thought it might be really fun to organize a blog-a-thon to celebrate none other than our own Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier.

That said, I’d like to introduce the Vivien Leigh & Laurence Olivier Appreciation Blog-a-thon! The goal is to celebrate Vivien Leigh’s and Laurence Olivier’s films and their lasting impact on popular culture. I’ve chosen the dates to correspond with the anniversaries of both their deaths (July 7 and July 11th, respectively). This will be a great way to show some love for the Oliviers, as well as to become more familiar with the film blogging community at large.

When: July 9-10, 2011

Where: The internet! Hosted by

Rules: This blog-a-thon is open to all film bloggers (and readers) around the internet. You can write about their films, theatrical contributions, your love of their beauty, fashion, etc., any aspect of Vivien Leigh’s and/or Laurence Olivier’s careers or lives. As per the usual blog-a-thon protocol, posts should be made to your own blog on the dates listed above, and a running list of links will be posted here at Note: You do not have to write about a film that starred both Larry and Vivien. If you just want to write about Vivien, or just Larry, that’s totally fine.

One other thing: Although participants are welcome to write about any film or aspect of Vivien and Larry’s lives, it would be great if we can get posts about a variety of films rather than just the ones that are the most popular today such as Gone with the Wind.

Also find it on: Facebook

Not sure which films Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier starred in? Check out their imdb profiles below:

If you’d like to participate as a blogger, do let me know by leaving a comment on this post!  Below you can find some banners (250 x 150) to put on your own blog!

Participating Blogs: